
 Let's Talk

For your FREE 30-minute consultation, fill out the contact form below.  You will be contacted from the email address bkjrnconsulting@gmail.com

In the Message Box, please include:

1. PICOT or Research Questions

2. Survey/Instrument(s) being used and is it pre/post

3. Anticipated sample size

4. Anticipated timeline ending data collection and due date of project



Due to changes in work and family life, I am cutting down on the number of projects I take.  Projects requiring a quick turnaround (6 weeks or less) will not be possible.



My expertise is in pretest-posttest or repeated measures analysis (same instrument or data collected 3 or more times).  I am also extremely comfortable if you have two or more groups that received different types of interventions, but you measured survey data among the different groups.  If you have these types of projects, send me an email below--and if not, include as much detail as possible about your project and I will let you know if I can provide assistance.

First Name
Last Name

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